The proposed car park at Ainsdale beach will provide a cheaper option for parking during the summer months, with solar powered pay and display machines. It would also provide parking during the winter months.
In a report, Sefton Council Assistant Director of People Michelle Williams said the "new facilities will open for the tourist peak season of 2023.”
The report said: "It is hoped at this stage, subject to Planning Permission being gained, and the tender processes completed, the new facilities will open for the tourist peak season of 2023.
“The proposals for car parking are to create a 249-space facility accessed via the Promenade. This will provide visitors with a cheaper option for parking during the summer months with solar powered pay and display machines allowing payment for shorter stays, and a cheaper day rate than parking on the beach in any event, and for more formalised parking in the winter months
“It will include disabled parking spaces and EV charging points. New bike storage facilities and improved pedestrian routes will also be provided. The car park will be operated by the Council’s Parking Services Team. It is separated from the beach by the sand dune system and is located immediately adjacent, but just outside, of the SSSI boundary.