The Lowther Trust is working in partnership with Fylde Council’s Parks & Coast Service to enhance the area through new bed designs
A quiet flurry of activity has been happening behind the scenes at Lowther Gardens to redesign and refurbish the rose garden in readiness for next summer.
The Lowther Trust is working in partnership with Fylde Council’s Parks & Coast Service to enhance the area through new bed designs featuring contemporary rose planting mixed with perennial companion plants to create a rich seasonal display full of strong scents. The dedicated park gardening team have completed the measuring and cutting out of the new bed shapes. Planting of the new roses and perennials will begin in spring in line with new designs drawn up by the Council’s Park Development Officer.
The best time to view roses is early summer; however, the introduction of the perennials will ensure longer seasonal interest and attract nectar loving insects including bees and butterflies. The rose garden project is part of a long-term phased programme of park enhancements including improved drainage, creation of a new herb garden, footpath resurfacing and tree planting.
Cllr Michael Sayward, Chairman of Fylde Council’s Tourism & Leisure Committee, said: “The creation of new large-scale rose gardens such as this is something of a rarity, and we are delighted to be able to refresh the existing garden with a beautiful biodiverse mix of contemporary rose colours and a wide-range of long-season perennials. This will undoubtedly be another gorgeous addition to Fylde’s In Bloom offering and I am excited for visitors and residents to be able to enjoy the space all year round.”
Lowther Gardens is the oldest park in Lytham and one of Fylde’s flagship green spaces. It was opened in 1872 as a gift to the people and visitors of Lytham by John Talbot Clifton of Lytham Hall. It has obtained a national Green Flag Award for 10 consecutive years, numerous In Bloom Awards and was recently awarded a Park Venue Award by the Lawn Tennis Association.
To read more about Lowther Gardens and the many other gorgeous parks and green spaces across Fylde, visit the Fylde Council website.