Ainsdale Civic Society have announced they’ve met their Just Giving total to provide a Christmas Tree for the village.
Ainsdale Civic Society have announced they’ve met their Just Giving total to provide a Christmas Tree for the village.
Normally at Christmas the civic society would purchase and erect a Christmas Tree for the Village with some funding help from Sefton Council and last year they received some funding from theur Just Giving Page.
This year the civic society was made aware that no funding from the council would be available.
The cost of a tree is £2000 and the society announced that they didn’t have sufficient funds to pay for a tree themselves.
With the help of lost of local people within the Ainsdale community they’ve managed to raise the funds required.
a spokesperson for the Ainsdale Civic Society said: “YOU DID IT!!!!! Thank you to every person and trader who has donated to our appeal. We are so delighted that we now have enough to cover the entire cost”.
Adding, “We know how difficult it is these days to find spare money to help others, but our residents are wonderful and always support us so when you see that lovely tree in the Village Church Garden, you can give yourselves a pat on the back and say ‘We did that’”