Sefton Council have gone out to tender for works to deliver improved facilities at Ainsdale Beach. The tender will be live until February 10.
Through the summer months in 2022, visitors to Ainsdale were again able to enjoy the benefits of initiatives being funded by the Council to improve the experience for beach goers.
This included the reopening of existing toilet facilities after a small refurbishment earlier in the year. A daily cleaning regime was in place through the summer months, ensuring the amenities were maintained to a high quality.
And, now as part of additional funding for 2023, further improvements to toilet and wash facilities will be delivered, which will see a full refurbishment of the building, the reintroduction of shower facilities, drinking water and an accessible Changing Places toilet installed too.
The funding will enable the delivery of infrastructure improvements to the coastal gateway, including the development of an off beach car park. An updated planning application has been submitted and works are now out to tender.
The car park will have solar-powered pay and display machines, cycle parking and electric vehicle charging points. Monies generated from parking charges will fund new Rangers on site to welcome and guide visitors as well as repaying a loan for the funding.
Once completed, the car park will provide an alternative parking area for visitors in the summer months and will allow parking during the winter unaffected by weather and tides.
New fencing will be fitted to guide visitors from the car to the beach, while helping to protect the more sensitive areas of the dunes and important habitats.
After two years of trialling food and drink outlets, a new tender will soon be advertised for a concession from 2023 onwards at Ainsdale beach entrance and by the new off beach car park.
Cllr Ian Moncur, Sefton Council’s Cabinet Member for Health and Wellbeing, said:
“These developments are in recognition of the need for us to create infrastructure that gives visitors a high-quality and enjoyable experience, reduces the pressure and inconvenience on local residents and protects our natural coast with its very special mix of habitats and wildlife.
“Ainsdale-on-Sea has been recognised as one of these key access points to the coast and there are many exciting possibilities being explored that could form part of the longer-term rejuvenation of the area.”
Another positive sign at Ainsdale is the progress on the redevelopment of the former Sands pub. The building is currently out to market looking for a private sector partner to invest in, develop and operate the site.
A good level of interest has been shown so far, with a decision likely in Spring on a preferred potential developer for the site, with more work to firm up proposals leading on from there. For more information, people can visit: Shore Road, Ainsdale, PR8 | Fitton Estates